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SAN JOSE SPOTLIGHT: OPED: Focusing on equity is essential to our collective recovery

Over the last 19 months our community has actively responded and adapted to the myriad challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. County and community came together to work to minimize the health and economic impacts of the pandemic—from massive testing, tracing and vaccination efforts, to expanded food and housing supports, even to neighbors and faith communities caring for each other.

To date, Santa Clara County invested nearly $719 million in these activities, with our local cities, nonprofits and philanthropic partners scaling up their investments as well.

Now we must turn our eyes to future recovery and to building a healthier, safer, more vibrant community. This virus, like others in the past, exposed and exploited social and economic inequities resulting in higher rates of transmission, illness and death in historically marginalized or at-risk groups. Low wage workers, people of color, people living in congregate settings and others have borne the greatest brunt of both the health and economic impacts of the pandemic.

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